Storytime @ Whole Foods: Let's Play Pretend!

For more information on my Whole Foods Storytime series, read the first entry.

Let's Play Pretend!

Note: I have learned a few things since I began these outreach storytimes. One of the major lessons I learned is that I need to do LESS books, and longer books towards the beginning. More songs, fingerplays, and other activities involving props are a good way to mix things up and get the wiggles out. Enjoy!

Hello song: I'm in the Mood for Singing...
I love the different verses you can use with this song. We did singing, reading, and listening. I think it definitely helps everyone get into storytime mode!

Book: Joey and Jet in Space by James Yang
We're going to play pretend... pretend that Joey and Jet are in outer space! We follow these two as they soar through space... right up until lunch time, when they get paged back to Earth. Encouraging the kids to suspend their disbelief a bit is the most fun -- my age groups (approx. 3-5) play pretend to help them better understand the world around them and build empathy. 

Song: Zoom Zoom Zoom
I can't take credit for any of my songs. The credit usually always goes to Jbrary. This is one of the most successful songs I've ever used in a storytime. The kids LOVE it and I've had many parents tell me that their kids ask to sing it at home! (I think it is the blast off at the end that really gets them excited!) Recently, I found that Jbrary had posted some alternative verses for this little song, so I used those in this storytime in addition to the original. Again, overwhelming success! 

Book: Higher and Higher by Lisa Patricelli
The little girl in this book is playing pretend; she pretends that she swings as high as a giraffe's neck, to the tops of buildings, to up where the airplanes fly, and eventually as high as outer space! The kids loved chanting "higher and higher!" with me throughout this simple, yet fun and colorful book.

Stretcher song: We Wiggle and Wiggle and Stop!
This is such a good little tune for getting the wiggles out. I've learned that by mid-storytime, it's a must! As Dana and Lindsey (Jbrary) mention in their video, it's a great song to teach kids how to follow directions. It took everyone a few tries to get the STOP! down, but they did eventually get it! Many giggles during this little wiggle release.

Book: Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems
A classic "pretend" story. We all want to pretend to drive the bus, too. But this time we must be the ones in charge! Always a hit.

Song w/ Rhythm Sticks: Tap Your Sticks
This was my first time EVER using rhythm sticks in a storytime! Surprisingly, it wasn't so bad! Handing them out was a bit crazy. But so far I haven't come across any magical solutions to easing the chaos of that situation. I was pleasantly surprised when the kids handed them in, though. Perhaps it is the soothing tones of "Clean up, Clean up, Everybody do your share..." that helped? Who knows! This is a great song, though. It's to the tune of frere jacques. Check out Jbrary's brilliant video of it!

Song w/ Rhythm Sticks: Count to Ten
Another Jbrary gem. This rhythm stick song just counts to 10, to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus" - easy peasy! I'm glad we did 2 songs with the rhythm sticks, so they didn't feel jipped on how much time they got to spend using them. Sometimes I get that sense with props, that we don't let the kids really use and explore the props long enough, or with enough songs/activities. So, two seemed to be a good number of songs to use the rhythm sticks with. (Hint: As mentioned in the Jbrary video, a good way to corral rhythm stick noise when we're in between song/activity is to have the kids rest them on their shoulders!)

Book: Fish Eyes by Lois Ehlert
After I got the kids counting in song form, we segued into a book about counting fish. We were able to "pretend" we were a fish, and we met lots of other fish as we swam along in the book. I like this book because it sneaks a little math in there, too (one red fish plus me makes two)! This also set the tone up for our next song.

Song: Bubble Bubble POP!
I adore this song. The kids can help you call out what color we should do for each fish. It also involves counting! So good.

Book: One Spotted Giraffe by Petr Horáček
I've learned my lesson now: No long books at the end of storytime! Pop-ups seem to work best, because kids are just utterly fascinated by them, and most of the times you can find a short one. This one just involved counting animals. I encouraged kids to tell me what number comes next, and to tell me what kind of animal it is. They oo-ed and ah-ed at the pop-ups in this one - and they weren't even that big! Love it.

Goodbye Song: Bread, Butter, Marmalade & Jam
Instead of "hello" we simply substituted "goodbye". Definitely turning into a favorite -- I get lots of giggles with this one!!

- storytime plan / song lyrics

Storytime @ Whole Foods: Let's Get Messy!


Storytime @ Whole Foods: Let's Have a Picnic!