April April

Using a Parachute in Storytimes

My first time using the parachute at storytime was scary at first, but quickly turned awesome! At this point, we have a larger parachute (12") but initially at this storytime I was using the library's smaller 6" or 8" parachute. Taking the leap to the bigger 'chute was definitely a good idea, especially for my bigger group. I got ours on Amazon for a little over $20 bucks. Not a bad deal, and it has really held up well!

I use the parachute during the last 5-10 minutes of storytime. Then, we sing our goodbye song and then we do goodbye bubbles, followed by about 20-30 minutes of free play with our toys.

It usually helps to "practice" with kids before you get going. "If You're Happy and You Know It" is a great song to help kids get the feel of using the parachutes (grown-ups, too)!

If You’re Happy and You Know It
lift it high / go way down low / shake it fast / shake it slow / jump up and down! 

Some of my other favorite songs to use:

POP! Goes the Berry
(Begin by walking slowly in a circle with the parachute)
All Around the Strawberry Field
We picked some juicy berries
We took them home and washed them off
and POP! Goes the berries! (lift it way up!)
Other verses: Blueberry/huckleberry/raspberry/blackberry

Popcorn Kernels (Tune of Frere Jacques)  
Popcorn kernels  (x2) - slow shake
In the pot (x2) - slow shake
Shake them shake them shake them! (x2) - fast shake
'till they POP! (x2) - lift up high 

The Hot Dog Song 
5 little hot dogs frying in a pan, (fast shake)
The grease got hot and one went bam (lift way up high)
(Continue singing, counting down each time you go through the song 4,3,2,1)
No little hot dogs frying in a pan, 
The grease got hot and the pan went bam.  

These Are the Colors Over You (Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle)
(Slow shake for entire song, help children point out colors as you sing)
Red and green and yellow and blue, these are the colors over you.
Red like an apple and green like a tree, yellow like the sun and blue like the sea. 
Red and green and yellow and blue, these are the colors over you.  

Oh the city is great (lift up)
and the city is grand (down)
There's a whole lot of people (up)
on a little piece of land (down)
And we live way up (up)
on the 57th floor (down)
and this is what we do (up)
when we go out the door. (down)
We take the elevator up (up)
and the elevator down, (down)
take the elevator up, (up)
take the elevator down (down)
Take the elevator up (up)
and the elevator down (down)
and we turn around. (turn around!) 

What Are the Kids Doing? 
I've experimented many time with having all the children out from underneath holding onto the chute, and then just letting them do whatever they feel comfortable with. Obviously the latter has worked best, and everyone is happiest. 
For children who want to hang onto the parachute, that's great, it really does help develop those fine motor skills by building their little hand muscles. But if a child really loves lying down or walking around under the parachute, I'm not going to stop their fun! 

What's So Scary?
I will say, every now and then I have a kicker (lays under the parachute with feet up and kicks), a non-sharer or the handle (grabby hands!), or a scared little one. But you know what? That's why I have caregivers in the room. Most caregivers are right on the problem, and it only lasts a few seconds. Then it's back to the fun!

Closing: Peek-a-boo!
At the very end, we play peek-a-boo with the parachute. This is the only time I really encourage children to go under and lay down (facing up) underneath. One way to encourage participation at this point is to tell caregivers that their child can lay down right in front of them if they are feeling scared to go all the way underneath. 

However, some children will not want to go underneath at all. That is fine. Just let it be! Maybe they'll join in on the fun once you start and they see how much fun it is to be lying down underneath. Or they'll just walk around the perimeter of the room watching. However they want to experience the parachute, no worries and no pressure!

We lower it down gently, and then lift it way up high saying in a sing-songy voice "peeeeek-ahhh-booooo!" and then repeat about ten times. The last three times, I count down, "Three more times! Ok now, two more times! One last time!" And then at that point, everyone has prepared themselves to say goodbye to the parachute. I don't sing a goodbye song to the parachute, because I find that everyone is perfectly fine with putting it away -- perhaps the counting down? They do know bubbles are around the corner, so maybe that's it! 
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April April

Library/Reading - Toddler Storytime

Hello Song: Hello Bubbles
Note: See this post for the lyrics and to learn more about the bubble machine.

Song 1: The More We Read Together (to the tune of "The More We Get Together)
The More We Read Together…
the happier we’ll be!
With big books and small books
and short books and tall books,
the more we read together,
the happier we’ll be!

Book 1: Books for Me by Sue Fliess 
Note: This is a fun book about visiting the library and all of the different kinds of books you can find! However, for my toddlers, there were a few things that might have gone over their heads, so I did paper-clip a few pages mid-book. 

Remembering Rhymes 
(Note: See this post for lyrics and to learn more about "Rhyme Time")
  • Roly Poly
  • Open Shut Them
  • Wind Up the Bobbin’

Book 2: Otto the Book Bear by Katie Cleminson

Wiggle and Wiggle and Stop
Wiggle Your Fingers Way Up High
Everybody Take a Seat on the Floor


Flannel: Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd

Parachute Songs:
  • If You’re Happy and You Know It Shake it (Slow/Fast, Quiet/Loud Up/Down)
  • The Elevator Song
  • Bubble Bubble Pop
  • Peek-a-boo
Goodbye Song: Bread Butter Marmalade and Jam

End: Goodbye Bubbles w/ bubble machine (2-3 min) + free play w/ toys (~20-30 min)

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April April

Manners - Toddler Storytime

Hello Bubbles Opening Song

Song: Chewing Quietly (Tune: Frere Jacques)
(Chewing Quietly (x2) Do no burp (x2) We must say excuse me (x2) When we burp (x2)

Book: Excuse Me! by Karen Katz
Note: This book pairs well with the "Chewing Quietly" song we sang prior. It's a cute little board book that contains simple concepts, which are easy enough for toddlers to grasp.

Song: Roly Poly
Roly poly, roly poly
Up, up, up (lift hands up)
up, up, up
Roly roly poly
roly roly poly
down, down, down (push hands down)
down, down, down 
Other verses: Out, In (expand hands out, push hands in)
Fast, Slow (roll hands fast, slow)
Song: Open, Shut Them
Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Give a little clap, clap, clap
Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Put them in your lap
Creep them, crawl them
Creep them, crawl them
Right up to your chin
Open wide your little mouth...
But do not let them in.
Flannel Activity: Thanks A Lot! (Raffi)
Note: I probably won't do this again... it's a sweet song (and I rarely play recorded music, so I tried it with and without) but it doesn't make a difference - it's still too slow! I think my group got bored with this one.

Stretcher: Wiggle and Wiggle and Stop
Stretcher: Wiggle Your Hands Way up High

POP! Goes the Berry (with parachute)
All Around the Strawberry Field
We picked some juicy berries
We took them home and washed them off
and POP! Goes the berries!
Other verses: Blueberry/huckleberry/raspberry/blackberry

Goodbye Song: Bread Butter Marmalade and Jam

End: Playtime w/ bubbles (~2-3 min) + Free play w/ toys (~20-30 min)

How it went:
This was a break-through storytime for me, because I introduced 2 really amazing, fun props: the bubble machine and the parachute! I was really happy with everyone's response and participation; both props really added a lot of movement and play to storytime that the toddlers loved!

Because this was another one of those "meh" themes ('cause toddlers' concept of manners is minimal to zilch), I only used 1 book and 1 song on theme. The rest was just free-play, free-style. Hence the random rhymes and introduction of props. Lots of fun during this week. Hooray!

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April April

Stars & Moon - Toddler Storytime

Hello Song: We Clap and Sing Hello

Book: Zoom Rocket Zoom by Margaret Mayo 

Song: Zoom Zoom Zoom / Fun / Sun
Zoom Zoom Zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom (swoosh your arms together)
We're going to the moon.
Zoom, zoom, zoom (swoosh your arms together)
We're going to the moon.
If you want to take a trip
climb aboard my rocket ship. (make an “L” shape with one arm and then with your fingers make a little “astronaut” climb aboard)
Zoom, zoom, zoom (swoosh your arms together)
We're going to the moon.
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (countdown on hand)
Blast off! (jump up in air) 
Other verses: Far far far, we’re going to the stars / Fun fun fun, we’re going to the sun
Song: If You’re Going to the Moon… (Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you're going to the moon wear your boots x3 (stomp)
If you're going to the moon, this is what you have to do
If you're going to the moon wear your boots (stomp)
Other verses: wear your helmet (pretend to put helmet on), wear your gloves (pretend to put gloves on), wear your space suit ("jump" into your suit)
Wiggle Release: Wiggle and Wiggle and Stop
Wiggle Release: Wave your hands way up high...

Book/Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Jane Cabrera 
*with wand*

Song: We’ll Be Landing on the Moon (Tune: She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain)
We'll be orbiting around the moon, yes we will (arms in circle, twirl slowly)
We'll be orbiting around the moon, yes we will
We'll be orbiting around the moon x3
Yes we will 
Other verses:
We'll be landing on the Moon (wiggle fingers down to toes)
We'll be walking on the Moon (stomping)
We'll be blasting off again (jump up with hands in air)
We'll be landing back on Earth (wiggle fingers down to toes)
Activity: Five Crescent Moons Rhyme w/ Magnet Board

Book: Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me by Eric Carle

Goodbye Song: Bread Butter Marmalade and Jam
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April April

Health - Toddler Storytime

Hello Song - Clap and Sing Hello

Book: Germs Are Not for Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick
Note: For this age group, there isn't a ton of stuff you can really talk about with germs and hygiene, besides washing up! This is a cute, simple board book that is perfect for this theme.

Song: This is the way we…
This is the way we wash our hands
wash our hands, wash our hands
This is the way we wash our hands
So early in the morning!
hands / hair / teeth / toes / belly / brush our teeth / comb our hair (pretend to scrub each body part as you get to it in the song)
Song: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Note: Post-doctor bag activity, we were on a roll talking about the body, so this little number fit right in and flowed nicely into our stretchers below.

Wiggle and Wiggle and Stop
Wiggle your hands ways up high...

Book: Llama Llama Home With Mama by Anna Dewdney

Activity: Looking inside the Doctor Bag
Note: I basically just had a play kit doctor bag, and we looked inside together, talking about the different kinds of tools doctors use.

Song: Pop! Go the Berries
All around the strawberry fields, We picked some juicy berries
We brought them home and washed them off,
Pop! Go the berries! (have kids jump up on "pop")
Other verses: blueberry, blackberry, huckleberry, raspberry
Note: For this tune, I have everyone crouch down on the floor in little balls (the "berries) and then I creep around and sing the tune. When I say "POP!" everyone jumps up! Also a good song for using with a parachute.

Book: Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Note: Since we were talking about health/being sick, I figured this was a good classic to throw in there (plus we have the gorgeous pop-up version). The caterpillar eats a lot of bad food and gets a belly ache, but then feels better when he eats through that one green leaf!

Goodbye Song - Bread Butter Marmalade and Jam
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